Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Read online

Page 9

  Amelia and Jamie wait as I gather my books and we walk towards the door. Tobias stands with his hands in his pockets as he watches the pupils file from the room. He even dresses like he's close to our age, and similar to many Petrescu students—dark clothes with a hint of colour from jewellery. His is a ruby-coloured pendant hanging above the two open shirt buttons on his pale chest.

  "Maeve. Could I talk to you, please?"

  I halt and look in terror at Amelia, who stops too.

  "On your own. Good night, Amelia."

  My heart thuds as he closes the door and rests his slender hand on the wood. Every cell in my body is aware of him and the fact we're alone. Is he about to demonstrate his skills on me? I stare at his mouth and am disgusted with myself for the fleeting thought of what his kiss would feel like.

  Am I insane? Since when did I look at a teacher in this way?

  Tobias's mouth tips at one corner. "We are built to elicit that reaction, Maeve."

  "What reaction?"

  He cocks a brow. "Really? You want me to spell this out?"

  Hell, no. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

  I wait for him to step away, sit and ask me to do the same. Instead, he continues to size me up. "If you disagree with my teaching, there is little you can do. My class is compulsory."

  "I understand."

  "No. You don't. I do not appreciate your judgement or your belief you are above what we do. One day, you will have need for what I teach."

  "I wouldn't use it."

  "Oh, you will." He laughs and looks at me as if I'm a child. "One day, you will thank me for what I taught you."

  I can't argue. I've no idea what he's capable of—he frightens me as much as attracts me.

  "I can see we'll have a difficult relationship, Maeve." I swallow. "But I advise you to listen and learn."

  "I'll try, but I can't agree with vampires feeding on people and then brainwashing them. It's wrong."

  He sighs. "I am not having a moral discussion with you about why that makes my teachings necessary. Let me leave you with a thought. You've been told who the Dominion are, yes?"

  "A little."

  "They want the humans to discover us. The Dominion long for a world they control and don't hide themselves from. To do that, they'll need to reveal themselves. Us. This will be a disaster for everybody; I'm sure even you can see that."

  I glower at his patronising comment.

  "Think about this. Each person who has an inkling we exist. Each accidental victim who tells a story. If we didn't use mental magic on humans, the consequences would help the Dominion. Fear would spread and divide people and pave the way for the Dominion’s plans."

  I nod. "I understand."

  He laughs. "No, you don't. But you will."

  My discomfort grows and I edge back to the door. Every second I stand here with him, each word he says, the more vulnerable I feel. "Can I go now?"

  Tobias leans forward and reaches for the door handle. I step out of his way as he opens the door again. I steal a final glance at him. If I'd met Tobias before anybody else, I wouldn't have needed much convincing that the supernatural live in the academy. He has an aura that screams he's otherworldly.

  He smiles again, this time with more warmth in the cool room. "Of course, you may leave."

  With my pulse racing and blood whooshing in my ears, I hurry out, almost bumping into Amelia waiting for me.

  One sentence echoes in my mind: 'I can see we'll have a difficult relationship.'

  Chapter Sixteen


  My first weekend arrives, and students remain on campus. Most live too far from the academy to go anywhere, even if they were allowed. There aren't any compulsory classes, although there is private tutoring including more one on one between myself and Sofia. The same thing happened—a snapshot of a vision that reveals my friend at a party, presumably Halloween—and then it fades. I'm left frustrated, but Sofia tells me there's nothing I can do to stop them. Instead, I'm given 'homework' to practice channelling visions, once a day, in the hope that mastering this will allow me to control the unwanted ones.

  After almost nineteen years, I'm doubtful but hopeful.

  I haven't spoken to Ash much since the night I was attacked. Unless Ash chooses to speak or hang out with you, getting close to him is impossible. He's always surrounded by teammates or girls from all houses. I chastise myself for thinking he wanted to spend time with me in particular. Ash was just being nice to the new girl.

  I'm jealous when Amelia’s allowed to head away for the weekend. She has special permission to go home at weekends, to help her parents with her sick sister. She won't tell me what happened to her sister and others clam up when I ask. All I know is that she was once a pupil at the academy and had an accident.

  Did the accident happen inside or outside the academy?

  I spend the morning outside, despite the early October weather, eager to escape the claustrophobia inside the building. I often spend spare time on a bench in the cloisters, listening to music to help me escape, where I can take in fresh air without drifting too far from the academy building. The nearest village is a ten-minute drive or long walk. We're not allowed off the grounds without permission, which is ridiculous considering our age. Since the attack on me, I'm wary about challenging that authority.

  Nobody has spoken much about the Dominion, only that they are a group who seek to reveal the supernatural element in the world and are in conflict with the Confederacy—the council of leaders from the different races and founders of the Nightworld academies. Theodora explained my rare power has put me on the Dominion radar. No Confederacy representative has arrived yet, and I’m unable to tell if this is an issue to Theodora or not.

  I'm confused about the hunters they mentioned—the descendants of the original people who brought witches and shifters to trial, and killed vampires. Why bother now when the surviving bloodlines remain hidden? They're aware of the academies, but the institutions are warded against humans who are a threat. However, entry must still be possible.

  I've moved from troubled teen girl who could be schizophrenic, to future-sighted witch who is 'of interest' to two separate factions. Awesome. Amelia tried to reassure me the Dominion 'probably' didn't want to kill me. I laughed at her even though the words iced my veins.

  I text Tessa daily and attempt to follow her life. Halloween is in a few weeks and I quiz her, but she's no plans yet. Halloween falls on a day in the academy’s half term, and I've started nagging my parents to allow me home.

  So far, their answer is a big, fat no.

  Jamie appears in the opposite doorway, also wrapped up against the cold. In the way Ash seems to avoid me, I sometimes avoid Jamie. Amelia not so subtly chaperones me everywhere, so I'm rarely alone. Jamie strides towards me. I can't avoid him, and look away.

  He stops in front of me and keen eyes search mine. His hands are buried in his hoodie jacket pocket, and his dark hair is unruly as if he's repeatedly pushed his hand through. I pull an earbud out.

  "I thought we were all meeting in the library today," he says.

  I smile. "Your natural environment?"

  He frowns at my teasing. "Knowledge is power, as they say."

  "Sorry. I decided to get some fresh air instead." Once I discovered Amelia was headed home and Ash busy with training, I decided against one on one time with Jamie at the library.

  "Fair enough." He sits beside me. "Want to grab a coffee from the cafe? It's open for drinks and treats at the weekend."

  "Treats, huh? Cake?"

  "Plenty of cake."

  We share a smile and Jamie pushes hair from his eyes again. "Can I ask you something?"

  Again. "Sure." I pull out the other earbud. "But I don't know what next week's English test answers are, if that's what you're asking."

  "I wouldn't need them anyway." He arches a brow. "But you do know something about me. You escaped telling me in the common room the other night."

  I feig
n a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

  "Either that, or you're upset with me."

  This time my puzzled look is genuine. "Why would I be upset with you?"

  "The night you were attacked, I wasn't around to help." He looks down at his hands. "I found Amelia conjuring her rainstorm, but I was too late to help."

  "Don't be silly." I place a hand on his. Jamie’s skin is warm and soft and the familiar buzz happens. Does he feel that? "Nobody knew where I was that evening. I guess I was lucky the others were around, and Ash was looking for me. Besides, you fetched Theodora to find us."

  Jamie doesn't respond and continues to stare down at my hand. "You're uncomfortable with me, I can tell. My abilities mean I can see you are."

  I snatch my hand away. "What do you mean ‘see’?"

  He sits back on the bench and stares ahead. "You know my affinity is spirit too. I don't have the same power you do, but I can read people’s pasts. Kind of the opposite to you. Objects too, although objects are easier. I wish your attackers had left something behind for me to touch and try to find traces of energy. I can see thoughts and feelings from people who’ve touched the object. The item’s history, I guess."

  "You can see my thoughts?"

  "Glimpses. I'm learning how to read minds better, and I need to work on the skill because it'll be helpful in the future. I'll be able to detect people's motivations."

  "Yes, you could be a hands-on lawyer," I say with a smile.

  "Vampires are best at that," he replies, not missing a beat. "Although being unable to work in the daytime is an issue."

  "Right." Again, my hundred questions I have about how the supernatural exist and manage to stay hidden in the world jump into my mind, but I doubt either of us are in the mood for a Q&A session. I hastily change the subject. "That coffee sounds like a good idea."

  Jamie looks at me intently, and I'm aware there's more underlying our friendship. When he touched my hand, it felt good to have attention from him. If it weren't for this stupid vision, I'd happily gaze into his eyes and spend time holding his hand.

  Now he's told me he can read my thoughts, I scared to let Jamie touch me again. I need to tell him about my vision soon, but I’ve no idea what to say.


  Dad texted me while I was on the pitch and as I walk back to the academy building, I text back a lie: that I have a match this weekend and can't come home to help out in the pub this weekend. Why can't my family live at the opposite end of the UK rather than a half-hour drive away? Spending weekends in the family-run pub takes time away from training and socialising. Plus, I've a party planned this weekend.

  I haven't held one for a while, and people ask why. I'm the one whose parties everybody wants invites to, and I have to keep up my position.

  I hate that I feel obligated to go home in term time. My brother isn't here to take on his role in the family business the way we planned, so it's down to me to hold it together.

  But I don't want to. I've a talent that gives me a high position in the academy, and a desire to fight in the Confederacy's military branch. I have to find who killed my brother and take revenge. Sure, easy-going, popular Ash appears to have the world at his feet, but some secrets are best kept.

  Like the fact our family is poor and can only afford my tuition fees from the compensation for Vincent's death.

  And because when I turn nineteen, there's a high chance I'll become a dragon shifter and be forced into a position of power I don't want.

  I tuck the phone away and shake away the brooding thoughts as I head across the cloisters towards Gilgamesh's building. Maeve and Jamie walk towards me, and her face lights up in the way I wish it wouldn't.

  Maeve warmed to me from day one and if I were conceited, I'd say she can't fight her attraction to me. I see this in her eyes the way I do many other girls.

  But she's future-sighted, and a future-sighted witch sent Vincent to his death. They're relied on too much, their skills shaky at best. The academy insists she gives us a unique advantage against the Dominion's increasing powers, but all I see is trouble. Hell, the girl only discovered she was a witch the other day. If she spent her life as a human, this makes her a greater risk—she has little control over her powers.

  Maeve can make mistakes.

  "Hey," she says, and a bright smile joins her shining eyes.

  Much of the time, Maeve walks around with a crease of worry on her brow and a downturned mouth that hurts my heart. I need to drop my prejudice, but it's hard. When she's happy, I can't help but warm to her. She's funny and sarcastic. Brave.


  Jamie nods at me and I see two things in his expression: a warning not to upset Maeve and a request to keep my hands off. They're similar in how their minds work, and he's a good-looking kid too. Jamie has more prospects than I do. I need to rely on my sporting skills to keep my place here; he'll pass exams effortlessly.

  "We're headed for a coffee; do you want to come?" Maeve asks, unable to hide her eagerness.

  I scrunch my face up and gesture at myself. "No can do." Luckily, I bumped into her muddy and sweaty from the match, though some girls find that attractive, who knows why?

  "Oh. Okay. Another time? We haven't chatted for a few days."

  "Been busy."

  "Not even at dinner," she adds pointedly. "You're always late."

  Yeah, thanks to spending half my weekdays working at the pub. I'm one of the only students who can truthfully say they work, when most spend their days relaxing or studying.

  I rub the back of my neck and sigh. "There's a party in the Gilgamesh common room tonight. Come along, if you want."

  "Who'll be there?" asks Jamie sharply.

  "No idea. Open invitation."

  "The vamps?"

  I shrug. "Maybe. Clive will want Katherine there, and I'm sure her crew will tag along."

  Maeve bites her lip. "Oh. I don't know if I should come."

  "Surely you won't let Katherine and her group of idiots put you off?" asks Jamie.

  "I'll keep an eye on them," I say gruffly. "I'd love an excuse to kick their arses out of the place."

  "As long as I'm not the wallflower in the corner with no friends. Amelia isn't here and I haven't settled in yet."

  My heart goes out to her more. Settled in. Made friends. Been accepted.

  I finally crack a smile. "You won't. I'll make sure of that."

  Why does this girl manage to push through my barriers?

  Chapter Seventeen


  I don't mind an occasional party for a birthday or end-of-exam celebration, but Gilgamesh parties are known to get out of hand. What else would you expect from a load of shifters? Petrescu parties are also legendary, but because they're secretive and don't often let in outsiders. Rumours that they're debauched and depraved surround them, but few know what happens at a Petrescu party.

  Personally, I never want to.

  Each school house building has a large common room filled with chairs and rugs, a TV, and a couple of low tables usually covered in fast food debris. Tonight, a good dozen or so people litter the room instead, mostly from Gilgamesh but a few from Walcott, and, as predicted, Katherine and crew. I'm unsure if her romance with Clive is for prestige or mutual benefit. Katherine can keep his primal nature under control by feeding on some of the sexual energy he has a ton of. Do they have sex? I doubt they'd cross that line into taboo territory. Would they?

  Inter-racial relationships aren't illegal, but they're rarely welcomed. Compatibility is an issue, especially between shifters and vamps. Immortality is one issue, although the vamps at Nightworld academy are conceived and reach maturity before they stop aging.

  Vampire procreation is possible with help from strong, dark witchcraft, but rare. The humans would be shocked to discover vampires can procreate, but they'd be stunned to know vampires aren't all blood drinkers. Those who feed in other ways are equally, if not more, dangerous.

  The pneuma and lamia gain their ener
gy from other sources and all have strength and agility unmatched by humans. But along with these powers, they have functioning bodies kept young by their feeding habits.

  Luckily for humans—and others—those immortal bodies can't stand sunlight, which will sap their energy. Too much of the sun's energy will fast forward to the age they should be.

  So, the Petrescu crew own a whole other reason to walk around with an imagined superiority. Young, good-looking—and immortal.

  Maeve stands beside me wearing a short blue floral dress over black leggings and a matching cardigan, unbuttoned. Most here are dressed down in jeans and simple clothes, when usually they're in uniform. Predictably, Katherine stands out in her tight red dress showing every one of her perfect curves and heels that place her at Ash’s height.

  To be fair, Katherine stands out whatever she wears. Her and Maeve have similar hair colour, but the comparison stops there. Katherine's pale skin and bright blue eyes draw attention and then captivate.

  Not me. Even if she wasn’t a bully, I’d never touch a lamia. Clive is mad.

  Katherine targeted Clive last term and instead of resisting, he welcomed her. Either that, or her lamia powers are particularly strong for a young one. Together they make a power couple, as both their families have a strong standing in the Confederacy.

  In the early days, Katherine had her sights set on Ash, as many do. He rejected Katherine—he never dates outside his race—so she turned the story around to one where she decided he wasn't worth her time.

  Ash laughed her off, told everybody he had a lucky escape, and went back to his circle. He and Katherine clash occasionally still, but Ash keeps that on the lowdown.

  What does he think of Maeve?

  Theodora told me Maeve is a witch with spirit affinity and that I should help her settle into the academy. The moment I saw her, something struck me as unusual. I knew immediately there's more to her. Her troubled times at school and home came through to me when I touched Maeve's bag on the first day and opened my eyes to the girl beneath the snarky, confident persona.